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KIITE - Managing assessment and feedback processes




Date: 6 October 1PM

The workshop will last approx. 2.5-3.5 hours

Facilitators: Dr David McGarvey, Georgina Spencer, Matt Street


Detailed Description

"Encompassing an overview of assessment and feedback, this workshop aims to inspire ideas for designing assessment and feedback processes, whilst encouraging a critical perspective.

As an integral feature of higher education, assessment and feedback has a powerful influence on learning and achievement both positively and negatively (Hattie and Timperley, 2007). Consequently, assessment and feedback is a long-standing source of contention and some dissatisfaction amongst students and educators (Nicol, 2010). Students express dissatisfaction about aspects of assessment and feedback, such as assessment guidance and marking criteria, timeliness and the quality and quantity of feedback. Educators express frustration about the time taken to provide detailed feedback to large numbers of students, only for many of them to pay little attention to it. Both parties tread a well-worn path leading to an accumulation of ‘feedback waste’!  

In this session we will explore the following ideas and themes, supported by a combination of presentations and reflective activities: 

✓Constructive alignment of learning outcomes, learning activities and assessment (Biggs and Tang, 2011). 

✓ Strategies to support and develop assessment and feedback literacies.  

✓ Authentic assessment. "

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