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School of Humanities

School of Humanities

The 47th Keele Latin and Palaeography Summer School 2024

The 47th Keele Latin and Palaeography Summer School 2024


Dates: Saturday 3rd August to Thursday 8th August

Keele’s summer school, now in its 47th year, is for those wishing to acquire or improve their skills in reading and transcribing medieval and early modern documents in Latin, English and Anglo-Norman French. Taken mostly from English archives (both national and local), the documents are chiefly those which are used by historians rather than literary texts. If you need an introduction to medieval Latin or palaeography (the study of medieval and early modern handwriting), or wish to enhance the knowledge that you already have and want to meet others with the same interests, then the Keele school is designed for you, and one of its main benefits is that students are able to build up their knowledge and confidence during the week.

Students may choose one out of four courses on offer, providing tuition at a range of abilities from beginner to advanced. For more information on the school and this year’s courses please go to: https://www.keele.ac.uk/humanities/study/history/cpd/#latin-and-palaeography-summer-school

** Please note that the 'Inquisitions Post Mortem' course is now full and is no longer taking bookings **

The school is offered in a hybrid format this year. The full residential experience on Keele’s attractive campus is available, with accommodation and a communal evening meal, but you can also choose instead to join your course online via live-streaming using the university’s Teams platform. You are also welcome to attend in-situ but arrange your own accommodation – for example, you might choose the non-residential option and book yourself into the Marriott hotel on Keele’s campus: https://www.marriott.co.uk/hotels/travel/manck-courtyard-keele-staffordshire/


Course Options (students will need to select one):

Introduction to Latin Language – Andy Fear

Introduction to Medieval Documents – Christopher Whittick

The French of England – Shelagh Sneddon

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