School of Life SciencesGeophysical Skills Development for Environmental ScientistsDescriptionEndorsed CPD Course Date of Event: Tuesday 19th January through to Tuesday 9th March 2021 (inclusive) Venue: Keele University (Virtual) This course is designed for postgraduate research students, early career researchers, and graduate entry commercial employees who wish to learn about the theory, practice and real-world application of environmental geophysics for research and career development. Participants will gain experience of geophysical data collection, processing and interpretation under commercial conditions - a key skill for future research and/or commercial sector employment. Further course information and application form available at: Fellows of the Geological Society will be eligible for a 10% discount. Please include your Fellowship number with your application. For any questions or queries please contact: School of Geography, Geology and the Environment Office email:
Life Sciences LabcoatDescriptionOne Labcoat is provided free of charge for 1st year students. Additional labcoats can be purchased from the School of Life Sciences for £10.00. Once your order has been processed you will receive an email confirming your payment. Please present this to the technical team who will be able to check the system and provide you with a lab coat. Size Guide:
Life Sciences Labcoat hireDescriptionThis is an option for Life Sciences students who wish to hire a grey Labcoat during a practical. Hire labcoats can be purchased from the School of Life Sciences for £1.00. Once your order has been processed you will receive an email confirming your payment. Please present this to the technical team who will be able to check the system and provide you with a lab coat at the start of the session. Remember to return your labcoat at the end of the session. Size Guide:
For Chest sizes 156cm or 164cm, please speak to the technical team. |