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School of Medicine

School of Medicine

Bailey Course

Prognosis Research in Healthcare: Concepts Methods and Impacts 2025


This 3-day summer school is designed to introduce the key components and uses of prognosis research to health professionals and researchers, including:

  • a framework of four different prognosis research questions: overall prognosis, prognostic factors, prognostic models, and stratified medicine
  • key principles of study design and methods
  • interpretation of statistical results about prognosis
  • the use of prognosis research evidence at multiple stages on the translational pathway toward improving patient outcome
  • the limitations of current prognosis research, and how the field can be improved

The course consists of lectures from a core faculty of epidemiologists, statisticians and clinical researchers, alongside group work and discussion sessions.

To attend the course please complete the form in the link below to receive the necessary token to complete the purchase.


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Attendee CategoryCost   
External Student£580.50[Read More]
Full Price£645.00[Read More]
Keele Student£322.50[Read More]

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