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Keele Counselling Conference 2025

Keele Counselling Conference 2025


19th Annual Keele Counselling Conference (Research & Practice)

Theme: ‘There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in' (Leonard Cohen)

The importance of lightness in therapy 

Dates: Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th  April 2025

Location: Keele University


We warmly invite you to join us for our 19th Annual Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference (Research and Practice) at Keele University.

As therapy students, practitioners and researchers we very often have to engage with the difficulties of life as we listen to our peers, clients, supervisees, and participants. This year’s theme is centred on exploring how we hold the light in work that can feel heavy. The conference will include a mixture of internationally known researchers and practitioners as our main speakers, experiential workshops including the award-winning Ugly Bucket Theatre Company, and a range of research presentations. Over the weekend, our aim is to engage delegates to reflect on experiences in their own practice, research, as well as their own lives.

'There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in'

Ticket fees include access to a choice of activities scheduled on that day (or days), refreshments (including lunch) and CPD certificates (6 hours per day). We invite you to take this opportunity to network with counselling staff, students and other external delegates who will also be joining us this weekend.

Keele Student (Current) - Saturday Conference Ticket


Keele Student (Current) - Sunday Conference Ticket


Keele Student (Current) – Weekend Conference Ticket


Ex Keele students/ current students elsewhere and external presenters - Saturday Conference Ticket


Ex Keele students/ current students elsewhere and external presenters - Sunday Conference Ticket


Ex Keele students/ current students elsewhere and external presenters - Weekend Conference Ticket


External delegates - Saturday Conference Ticket


External Delegate - Sunday Conference Ticket


External Delegate – Weekend Conference Ticket


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