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Amount (£)


JULY 2024

Pay Instalment 1 of £320 for your field trip or

Pay Instalment 2 of £320 for your field trip or

Pay Instalment 3 of £310 for your field trip (amend the amount to £310 before paying).


Detailed Description

This is a payment page for the 1st (of 3 planned through the end of 2024) instalments for the remainder of the field course fee (total £1050, you paid £100 deposit leaving 3 x £320 for the remaining amount). We expect to send 2nd and 3rd payment links between Aug and Dec 2024.

General information about this field course:

This exciting 2-week field course opportunity enables Keele students to witness at first hand the challenges facing tropical systems and how humans are impacting on sensitive ecological niches. You will gain training in the importance of biodiversity in the tropics from experts in the field, as well as experience of international travel and of other cultures. The field course is hosted by the University of Sains, Penang, Malaysia (USM), whose expertise in a range of aspects of tropical biosciences, ecology and conservation will ensure that you gain cutting edge knowledge in the field.

The course is a final year module LSC-30066 comprising three assessments, i.e., a presentation, a field notebook and a report on a research project carried out whilst in Malaysia. 

After the deposit payment (£100), you can pay the remaining monies (£950, the total course fee is £1050 as mentioned in our course presentations) in one lump sum prior to departure or in parts (eg 3 instalments). We will arrange payment pages/link in due course and send around). We will send you separate communications. We refer you to the presentation here (Malaysia Field Course LSC30066 - Introductory session_DK TT_17.10.23_narrated DK 30.11.23.mp4 (sharepoint.com)  , time 30:00) if you wonder what is covered by the field course fee.

For any questions you can contact Dmitry Kishkinev [email protected], Trisna Tungadi [email protected] or Ellie Harrison [email protected]"

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